The Gundam franchise and anime/manga in general has been enjoying a renaissance, with many manufacturers releasing themed Gundam, Evangelion, or My Hero Academia hardware, from PC cases all the way to wireless routers.
Today we present you Xigmatek’s take on the matter, dubbed X3 Zaku. Based on Char Aznable’s MS-06S Zaku II mobile suit which he piloted during the One Year War on Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin manga and its OVA adaptation, it features an all-red body with a representation of said Zaku on top.
Made of 0.8mm-thick steel, the X3 Zaku measures 510mm (L) x 218mm (W) x 360mm (H) and can house an ITX or Micro-ATX motherboard. It has four PCIe expansion slots and supports up to 330mm long graphics cards, a 165mm tall CPU coolers, plus a 180mm power supply.
For cooling we find placements for five 120mm fans, two on the bottom, one on the rear, and two on the motherboard panel that can be swapped for a 240mm radiator. As for storage, there are two 2.5in plus one 3.5in drive bays. I/O sadly leaves a bit to be desired, including only Two USB 3.0 Type-A, and two 3.5mm audio jacks for mic plus headphones, so no forward-looking USB Type-C.
This chassis also has a Glass side panel showcasing the hardware inside, which really ought to be Zaku-themed if done right. Compatible hardware such as Asus-X-Gundam’s TUF Gaming B550M (WI-FI) Zaku II Edition board, TUF Gaming X3 GeForce GTX 1660 Super Zaku II Edition graphics card, or TUF Gaming LC 240 RGB Zaku II Edition AIO liquid cooler would fit this build perfectly.
Xigmatek also offers a white version (X3 GD) of this case with a Gundam suit on its side, alongside the bigger X Battleship resembling Jonsbo’s MOD-3 Mini.
The bad news? X3 Zaku seems to be available only in Vietnam right now, costing 1,699,000 VND, equivalent to around £60.