Ubisoft unveils weird and wacky Lost Between Worlds Far Cry 6 expansion

Land of the Lost.

Ubisoft has recently revealed that Far Cry 6 main protagonist, Dani Rojas, will be transported to a psychedelic alien landscape in upcoming ‘Lost Between Worlds’ expansion, including a ‘New Game Plus’ mode for series’ veterans.

Far Cry 6 might not win any greatest-of-all-time awards, but it is indeed a more than competent, and dare I say, gorgeous first-person, open-world adventure game. It’s been nearly a year since the series’ main entry was released, but this hasn’t stopped Ubisoft from unveiling its new expansion at a livestream event, and in typical fashion, the DLC sets itself apart from the original game by taking a break from the realistic setting and transforming into an alien fantasy world.

As the story goes, our hero, Dani, inadvertently stumbles upon a crashed alien ship that holds an alien AI known as FAI who traps the protagonist and demands the player embark on a quest to retrieve five crystals needed to repair the ship, each hidden away in a mysterious rift containing a fractured simulation of Yara.

Naturally, this is merely an excuse to transport players into a beautifully twisted fantasy that introduces new rogue-like gameplay and lore, and we are all for it. Players also need to use traditional combat, parkour, and puzzle-solving skills to complete the DLC’s 15 unique gameplay challenges and trials. ‘

“Lost Between Worlds is a rich, action-packed gauntlet with deadly crystal enemies, multiple player paths, all-new lore, and a wide variety of unique gameplay challenges,” says the developer.

You can expect the expansion to hit Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Epic Games and Ubisoft Connect for PC on December 6, and will cost users $20, or at no additional cost for those who hold a Season Pass.

Additionally, Ubisoft Connect is currently running a sale with up to 67 per cent off Far Cry 6, so now would be a good time as any to purchase the game if you haven’t already.

Blair Jacobs
Blair Jacobs
Whether it’s discovering new bits of tech, immersing himself in the latest narrative-driven RPG, or crossing the Atlantic amidst thundering storms on a 121-metre-long ship to fulfil his Navy duties, there’s always something new on the horizon. One day, he’ll end up on the shores of The Shire when he finally visits New Zealand.

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