Corsair has launched the Virtuoso Pro headset targeting streamers and gamers looking for a natural and transparent sound stage.
The Virtuoso Pro series will be available in black and white, featuring an open-back design and housing 50mm graphene drivers said to reproduce sounds with exceptional clarity and precision for a rich audio experience. These have a frequency response from 20Hz to 20kHz, with a sensitivity of 114dB and a 32k Ohms impedance.
For communication, we find a detachable 2.2k Ohms uni-directional microphone with a frequency response from 100Hz to 10kHz and a sensitivity of -41dB, tuned for high vocal clarity and supporting Elgato Wave Link integration for custom sound settings (mixing and balancing) alongside Nvidia’s Broadcast for background noise/echo reduction.
Corsair opts for a sober style free of RGB, projecting a professional look and feel. To reduce weight to 338g while maintaining rigidity, Virtuoso Pro uses an aluminium-reinforced frame and open-back cans. The latter has the added benefit of allowing air circulation, letting the ears breathe and heat to escape. Another advantage to open-back headsets is the ability to hear what’s going on around you – handy for parents, though at the expense of less privacy, since the others can also hear what’s going on.
This Pro version is also fairly customisable/repairable, as the ear cushions, headband, and speakers’ grills can all be removed to be cleaned or replaced.
The ear cushions are made from memory foam topped by soft cloth pads to reduce pressure on the head during long stream or gaming sessions.
While technically compatible with everything that has a 3.5mm jack, keep in mind that some devices may not be powerful enough to drive the cans at high enough volume. Even for PCs, an Amp/DAC can be handy to deliver punchy sound. This also brings us to one last important point; your sound card and audio source quality, since these simply broadcast the analogue signal they receive, so if the host machine sends subpar quality audio, these headphones won’t magically improve it.
I personally own a wireless Virtuoso headset and I like it very much, both from a sound- and build-quality standpoint. So, hopefully, these carry on in the same vein.
The Corsair Virtuoso Pro headset can be had for £169.99/€199.99/$199.99, backed by a two-year warranty.