Help, I want to eat Cooler Master’s new colourful thermal paste

Paste the rainbow.

Six dots of Cooler Master CyroFuze 5 AI Thermal Paste, of varying colour, atop an Intel heat spreader

As its name suggests and reputation proves, Cooler Master know a thing or too about keeping your PC’s temperatures down. Expectedly, the company’s new CryoFuze 5 ‘AI thermal paste’ appears to be a great choice to marry your CPU and cooler. However, in addition to its conductive qualities, it also carries an unexpected but charming dash of colour too.

CryoFuze 5’s specs appear primed to give overclockers a huge amount of headroom to push the best CPUs to their limits without the aid of LN2. Boasting a thermal conductivity coefficient of 12.6W/mK, this Cooler Master paste is among the conductive on the market. Outstanding as it looks on paper, though, I can’t help but admit my eyes are far more drawn to its pretty colouring than they are its performance.

Six dots of Cooler Master CyroFuze 5 AI Thermal Paste, of varying colour, atop an Intel heat spreader

Mixing aluminium power and zinc oxide into the paste mix, Cooler Master has produced an array of colours for CyroFuze 5. The gallery materials on the product page show six: green, yellow, red, black, white, and blue. Sat atop an Intel processor, it looks good enough to eat, evoking images of cake icing or Skittles. Suffice to say, it looks more appetising than grey gloop we’re used to glancing at before squishing it under a cooler.

Colourful indulgences aside, CryoFuze 5 does seem like an awesome bit of paste. In addition to its conductive qualities, mentioned earlier, Cooler Master claims it’ll work across a wide range of temperatures. More specifically, the company says it’ll remain stable from the chilly lows of -50°C to the scorching heat of 240°C.

It’s unclear when Cooler Master plans to launch CryoFuze 5 in markets outside of China, but I’d welcome its release here in the UK. Even if it’s something I can’t necessarily showcase, there’s something cool about the idea of having a secret bit of flair in my PC. That, and I relish the idea of cleaning up a CPU with red thermal paste in a weird silicon murder scene, but that’s just little old morbid me.

If you’re after a colourful new CPU cooler, check out our Arctic Liquid Freezer III 420 ARGB review. You’ll also find plenty of recommendations on our best CPU cooler shortlist, complete with AIOs and air coolers aplenty.