AMD RDNA 4 GPUs are now top priority for board partners

Fare 3 well.

AMD RDNA 3 reference card on a marble-esque surface
Image: Club386

Every GPU series has its day, and it seems like that time has finally come for RDNA 3. AMD board partners are apparently now shifting away from Radeon RX 7000 graphics cards. Instead, all parties are pressing ahead with preparing for RDNA 4. This is an expected move, but it’s also one that creates confusion following rumours of potential upcoming product releases.

No new contenders have joined the best graphics card race since January 2024, from AMD or its competitors. Admittedly, there’s little room for further additions. Fluctuating prices would make it difficult for any new model to carve out a space for itself. It makes sense then for manufacturers to start afresh with a new architecture, namely RDNA 4.

According to Benchlife, this is exactly the case. Speaking to add-in board partners (AIBs), the outlet claims sources said, “the current focus of each AIB is on RDNA 4.” This confirmation came about following whispers of Radeon RX 7400 & 7300 graphics cards. Curiously, though, both SKUs are apparently unknown to AIBs. However, as the outlet rightly caveats, these could be OEM-exclusive models for the likes of Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

It’s unclear how long RDNA 4 has been the focus for AIBs, but it creates confidence that the architecture’s release date isn’t far off. Current estimates place its reveal at CES 2025, but with any luck it could be before the year’s out. After all, there’s nothing like an early Intel Battlemage launch to spur AMD into moving up its production schedule.

In addition to competing with Intel Battlemage, RDNA 4 will have Nvidia RTX 50 series to contend with as well. Unlike its current generation stock, though, AMD allegedly won’t compete across the performance spectrum with Radeon RX 8000 cards. The company instead plans to target mid-range and budget gamers, which could help drive costs down if priced well.

Until AMD reveals more about RDNA 4, check out our Radeon RX 7900 XTX review. This is the best the company has to offer right now, and may offer us a glimpse at what’s to come.