Hotly-anticipated sequel to Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remake is around the corner and eagerly-awaiting fans are in for a treat, as starting next month players can finally access the multiplayer open beta.
Revealed during the CDL league in Los Angeles on Sunday, followed by a subsequent blog post on the official Call of Duty website, Activation’s unstoppable first-person shooter will kick things off with Call of Duty: Next event on September 15, which is a popular extravaganza to showcase what the developer has to offer. This includes the Modern Warfare 2 reveal, more details regarding upcoming sequel Warzone 2 and mobile version known as Project Aurora, together with popular streamers playing the games live at the event.

The beta will be split into two weeks, with the first week exclusive to players who pre-ordered the game. Starting September 16 through 17 will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 and 5 console owners, followed by an open beta access for those lucky to grab a spot from September 18 through 20. The second week will introduce the early-access crossplay beta on September 22 through 23 for PC, PlayStation, and consoles, ending with the open all-platform beta. All start dates have a scheduled time of 10am Pacific Time.
In addition to the dates revealed, Infinity Ward promises, “The Modern Warfare II Beta is set to feature a robust multiplayer experience going beyond the Core 6v6 experience with a variety of meticulously designed maps of various sizes, and an equally impressive set of Modes, Progression experiences, and other aspects that will be more thoroughly revealed at Call of Duty: Next.”
An exclusive 40-second flythrough of the Marina Bay Grand Prix map was also teased along with a promise of in-game rewards exclusive to the event.
Modern Warfare 2 will release on all major consoles and PC on October 28. If you considering joining the early access, the Vault Edition and pre-order comes with a list of exclusive incentives you might consider worth the purchase. A full rundown can be found here.